Alex Farebrother-Naylor

The illustrator of Pop!, Alex is a lecturer in film and visual culture at the University of Greenwich, where she makes the youth of today learn to love Satoshi Kon and 1970s horror. She researches and writes on topics including SF and horror cinema, anime, censorship, fan cultures and social media. Nerds are cool now.

Alex is also an illustrator and cartoonist with a particular interest in observing the quirks and absurdities of modern urban life. Her prouder moments as an illustrator include the chapter illustrations and cover for the memoirs of veteran journalist Bill Deedes, and regular cartoons, book illustrations and a board game for the cult London magazine Smoke: a London Peculiar.

Alex lives in London with her wife Helen, two energetic and sticky-fingered little children, two big greedy cats, and one fancy coffee machine.


Since the very first people existed, we have made music. But something special happened in the 1950s. Pop music was invented. Join us for a look at the people who make and listen to pop music as we explore why it is quite so magical.

Pop! is available to buy here from Amazon

Pop! is available to buy here from Waterstones

Pop! colouring in sheet 1 – free download

Pop! colouring in sheet 2 – free download

Pop! adult colouring sheet – free download

ISBN 978-0993077333

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